Bad news for all you Rapture residents! According to an updated support page, BioShock will no longer be supported on iOS. The game has also since been taken off the App Store.
While the original BioShock game was released to worldwide praise, the story isn’t the same for the mobile version. Fans had mixed feelings on the iOS version of the beloved game since its inception in August 2014, the controls being the overwhelming majority of complaints. Kotaku released an entire article condemning the atrocious controls, citing them as the leading downfall of the game. According to Metacritic, the iOS version of the game received a score of 68 whilst the original version maintains high marks at a 96 (and an 8.9 user score).

Screenshot from game
While this is indeed a disappointing announcement, as it was hoped 2K Games would eventually update the game; the beloved underwater FPS will live on in the spinning hearts of all the Xbox and Playstation consoles still playing it. There’s also the very far off chance that this might give 2K Games an opportunity to focus on delivering a potential fourth installment in what has so far seemed to be a perfect trilogy.
Those who still have the game currently on various Apple devices can still continue to get their fix until the time comes when the current phone iOS updates, rendering the game obsolete and unplayable. The game itself didn’t last long on the App Store, just a mere year and a half. Could it all be the controls? The hefty (for mobile) $14.99 price tag? Or just lack of interest?
So hug all your Little Sisters (Or harvest them. The CommonGeek team doesn’t judge), inject some plasmid, and marathon this beautiful game one more time in honor of its App Store defeat. With the recent and growing popularity of iOS gaming, a the return to the world BioShock on mobile isn’t impossible. Until then, here’s to hoping that 2K Games hammers out the details and brings the wonderful world of Rapture back to the iOS.